Homo Imitans is the new book by Leandro Herrero, author of Viral Change™.

This book describes how micro- and macro-social change can be designed and put into action. It follows the five disciplines of Viral Change™: behaviours, influence, networks, stories and back-stage leadership.
The book is a continuation of Viral Change™: the alternative to slow, painful and unsuccessful management of change in organisations, published in 2008 in its second edition. Homo Imitans is self-contained. If you have read or followed Viral Change™, it will be logical to continue with Homo Imitans. If not, Homo Imitans is also a good starting point in its own merit.

Browse this site for news about the book launch, the author’s speaking engagements and the Global Viral Change™ Network of companies that design and implement Viral Change™.

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